We provide affordable, high-quality early care and education in a diverse and changing community
Our preschool is located in the heart of Miami’s Allapattah community. Allapattah has historically been an under resourced, Hispanic community with many families living at or below the poverty level, but it is quickly changing with higher income families moving in. Our aim is to serve all these families by preparing their children to be the future leaders of this community. We do this by providing them access to high quality child care and education in a preschool environment with hands on learning and high quality standards.
Parent & community involvement
We invite parents and community leaders to participate in the education of our children.
ready to learn!
Daycare just doesn’t cut it! Young children are constantly learning - our preschool provides an environment for them to do their best!
Que Rico! Not every preschool can say that they cook homemade sopa de pollo! Children need to eat healthy, nutritious foods for their brains to be ready to learn!